Search Results

Results for "keyword: "psychology""
Betty A riveting psychological study of betrayal.
Fragments Vividly conveys the sorrow and suffering brought into the lives of five individuals by a man with a gun and his act of random violence.
Taking Lives An engrossing thriller about a woman warrior who finds herself lost in the darkness during her obsessive pursuit of a serial killer.
Saving Grace A quirky story of a middle-aged housewife and amateur horticulturalist who start a hush-hush project to avoid bankruptcy and are rewarded with a sly wink of fate.
A Sense of the Sacred: A Portrait of Helen M. Luke Challenges us all to see our quest for wholeness as an adventure for a lifetime of living.
Don't Say A Word A convincing thriller about a psychiatrist and his family who fight back against a power-hungry criminal who takes away their dignity and freedom.
The Comfort of Strangers A compelling and macabre psychological thriller.
Nuts A gutsy movie about a woman who refuses to submit to the purposes, fantasies, and needs of others.
Altered States Explores the human drive to leave the body behind, to be born again, and to experience in the mind things that were once thought divine.
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest An American classic with its celebration of the deep yearning for freedom inherent in all the characters.